13th Age |
5e - Dragons |
5e - Historia |
7th Sea |
AD&D - Advanced Dungeons and Dragons |
Alien |
Aquelarre |
Arduin |
Arianrhod |
Beast : The Primordial |
Big Eyes, Small Mouth |
Brave New World |
Broken Compass |
Bushido |
Call of Cthulhu |
Castles & Crusades |
Champions |
Chroniques Oubliées |
City of Mist |
Commando Barbare |
Crimes |
Cryptomancer |
Cyberpunk |
D&D3 - Dungeons and Dragons Third Edition |
D&D3 - Eberron |
D&D3 - Forgotten Realms |
D&D4 - Dungeons and Dragons Fourth Edition |
D&D5 - Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition |
D20 - Dragonlance |
D20 - Munchkin |
D20 - Prime Directive |
D20 - Ravenloft |
D20 - Rokugan |
D20 - Scarred Lands |
d20 System |
Dark Ages |
Dark Heresy |
Darktown |
DC Universe |
De Profundis |
Dead Rift |
Dime Legends |
Dogs in the Vineyard |
Doxa |
Dragonball + Dragonball Z |
Dune (2d20) |
Dungeon Crawl Classics |
Dungeons and Dragons |
End (The) |
Engrenages |
Escape from Dino Island |
Everway |
Exalted |
Expanse (The) |
Faith |
FTL : 2448 |
Fuzion |
Gemini |
Générique : Médiéval-Fantastique |
Générique : Science-Fiction |
Hârn |
Hawkmoon (CYD System) |
Heavy Gear |
Hero System |
Hôl |
Hunter : the Vigil |
In Nomine Satanis / Magna Veritas |
Invisible Sun |
Iron Kingdoms |
Itras By |
Laborinthus |
Labyrinth Lord |
Lejendary Adventure |
Logos |
Lord of the Rings |
Mage : the Ascension |
Marvel Super Heroes |
Masks : A New Generation |
Metal Adventures |
Middle-Earth Role Playing |
Millennium's End |
Missions |
Mississippi |
Morpheus |
Mummy : the Curse |
Mutant År Noll |
My Life with Master |
NibirU |
Night's Black Agents |
Ninja Burger |
Ninja Crusade (The) |
Nordiska Väsen |
Old School Essentials |
Omega |
Oreste |
Outgunned |
Paranoia |
Pathfinder |
Pathfinder - Golarion |
Pavillon Noir |
Pequeños Detectives de Monstruos |
Purgatory |
Qin |
Reign |
Rolemaster |
RuneQuest |
Savage Worlds |
Schwarze Auge (Das) |
Shadow of the Demon Lord |
Shadowrun |
Shattered Sky (The) |
Sonja et Conan contre les Ninjas |
Space Opera |
Spawn of Fashan |
Star Frontiers |
Star Trek FASA |
Star Wars d20 |
Star Wars D6 |
Star Wars FFG |
StarCluster |
Subabysse |
Superworld |
Svärdets Sång |
Tales from the Loop |
Teenagers From Outer Space |
Tékumel |
Terres d'Arran (Les) |
Thieves' World |
Time & Temp |
Torg |
Traveller |
Troisième Millenium (Le) |
True20 |
Tunnels & Trolls |
Tylestel |
Ultime Epreuve (L') |
UNSanctioned |
Valérian |
Veilleuses (Les) |
Victoriana |
WaRP System |
Werewolf : the Forsaken |
WitchCraft |
Within |
World of Darkness [1991] |
World of Synnibarr (The) |
Würm |