Knock! #3
Par Olivier 'Pyrod' Doutrellot
Rubrique : Mags
Date : 14 octobre 2023

Knock! An Adventure Gaming Bric-à-brac pour son troisième numéro propose toujours des aides de jeu et inspirations à destination des tables pratiquant l’Old School Renaissance. Comme les précédents, il a fait l’objet d’un financement participatif sur Kickstarter.
- The Story is the Campaign
- Grotesque
- What Happened to the Bodies
- Nightmare on Lake 13
- I Slit Open the Dragon's Belly
- Picaro
- I Cut the Body Open
- Sights to Stumble Upon in the Woods
- Fungus Among Us
- Revisiting the Domain Game
- Meet the New Boss
- Beginning Spellbooks
- When All You Have Is a Hammer
- Random Wilderness
- Slayer Weapons
- What To Do Now That Your 1st Level Magic-User Has Cast Their One Spell?
- d8 Magical Hares
- The Seven Draconic Sins
- Playing Dragons
- Humanizing the Monster
- My Ten Commandments...
- "Greetings, innkeep"
- Compelling Arena Fights
- d20 Kids for your Dungeons
- Fairy Knight Generator
- Dynamism and the Generic Optimum
- It's Not Just Rats and Centipedes
- In Praise of Vermin
- Blood Moon
- The Ecology of Gold
- Look at them Weirdos
- When Not To Kill a PC?
- Weird Kobold Weapons
- What Are My Rations?
- The More the Merrier
- Sunrise Over the Black Lake
- Rats
- Wanderers in the Dark
- What Are Those Stirges Doing?
- Monster Hobbies and Quirks
- The Caverns of Thracia
- Sword Saint Techniques
- The Tartaros
- The Wicked Ensemble
- Abstract Magic, Concrete Magic
- Ruins
- Play Like it's 2022
- Complete The Encounter
- The Bugbear Witch
- My Goblins Are...
- Less Rules to Do More
- Radikal Quest
- Portfolio Of Cartographic Curiosities
- Menagerie of Monstrosities
- Retinue of Rogues
- Extraordinary Excursions
- Classifieds
Eté 2022, 212 pages, 21€ (PDF)